Principal Represented
World leaders in IT and Lab Solutions
Labfreez Instruments
Professional supplier & manufacturer specially provides the scientific instruments and equipments for the life sciences and laboratory refrigeration with more than 16 years of experience.
Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc.
A US manufacturer offers Anaerobic chambers, water baths, laboratory and industrial ovens, and incubators that are as innovative as the industries that use them.
Adam Equipment
Producing weighing scales, balances and mass measuring equipment from research analytical balances to compact balances and industrial scales
German specialist for handhelds, data loggers and software to measure and record temperature, humidity, pressure, pH, oil quality Brix and many other measurements
Focuses on software solutions that integrate healthcare service delivery, connecting labs with clinicians and patients. Our goals are the elimination of errors; delivery of highest standard patient care; and improving the productivity and efficiency of clinicians and laboratories.
A US leading manufacturer of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) offers a comprehensive selection of organic, inorganic and petroleum reference standards for chemical analysis, serving a global market
Autoscribe Informatics
Industry leading configurable future-proof database management applications including Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and Quality Management Systems that are configured to match current and future user requirements.
Autoclave manufacturer Astell Scientific service and manufacture a large range of Sterilizers and Steam Autoclaves from 33 to 3000 litres.