Petrochemical LIMS
Petrochemical processing, a high-volume 24/7 environment, provides huge pressure to maximize yield while maintaining acceptable quality throughout the process
Laboratories are essential to a successful petrochemical operation to sample the incoming feedstock and outgoing product streams. They monitor product quality and ensure the plant maximizes output while minimizing environmental impact. Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) provide an easy way to manage the vast amounts of data collected in these production processes with 100% traceability for external auditing purposes.
Driving Safe, Profitable, High-Volume Production
Autoscribe’s Petrochemical LIMS are used by a number of large oil, gas and chemical companies looking to cut costs through production process automation and by keeping a tight grip on quality control. We can connect to test instruments and automatically monitor samples on a continuous basis to ensure separation, distillation, filtration and numerous other petrochemical processes are kept within limits.
Insightful Information Management
Our LIMS solutions provide graphical trending and statistical process control (SPC) charts of results, enabling insightful management actions to maximize revenues. With accurate information at your fingertips you can make more informed decisions, take immediate action to mitigate potential risks, and drive continuous improvement actions.
Matrix Gemini Petrochemical LIMS Overview

Supports many different kinds of QC samples and tests: Duplicates, Replicates, Spikes, Spike Duplicates, Controls, Control Duplicates. When grouping samples for analysis. Results from these QC tests can be used for calculating final results on samples, such as correcting for recovery and relative percent difference.
Matrix also includes capabilities for control and trend charts, with automatically calculated values for Standard Deviation and flags for data points which signal the need for further investigation into the quality of the results.

Matrix Scheduler allows tasks to be automatically scheduled based on dates, times, days of the week and other parameters. Supporting a full audit listing, allowing you to see and review all changes made to a schedule.
- Automatically schedule multiple jobs such as sample / batch registration thus saving personnel time
- Schedule reports to run automatically at any date and time, or at regular intervals. It can also adjust schedules automatically to avoid weekends and holidays.
- Schedule triggering of external programs e.g. automate scheduled email reminders, reports, backups, any Microsoft program etc.
- Provides a clear & easy method of adding tasks to the schedule
- Automatically starts on server startup and is a server based standard Windows service background
- The current / future schedules can be viewed from anywhere on the network to verify / check logs that schedules have been run
- The system administrator has complete control over the schedule while allowing clients the benefit of scheduling times that are convenient for them
Matrix Gemini LIMS allows for remote users, such as sample collectors, to use our web-based interface to interact with the LIMS. Using any mobile devices with supported web browser, field technicians can login samples as they are collected, enter results etc.
In the case where poor mobile coverage occurs too often, causing technicians to stop uploading sample information and test results in the field, Matrix Gemini Field Analytics System allows them to work off-line, and upload data to the LIMS at their convenience.