Webinar – Tamper-Proof your Covid Results Today

Webinar – Tamper-Proof your Covid Results Today

Published On: April 7th, 2021Categories: EventsTags: , , , ,

Increasingly, fraudulent COVID test results have been surfacing as countries reopen borders. Border authorities are continuously seeking ways to combat the use of tampered health certificates to comply with safe travel regulations.

Healthcare institutions can help play a part in combating fraudulent health certificates and protect the reputation of labs and clinics by issuing test results with verifiable credentials that are tamper-proof.

Tamper-Proof your Covid Health Results Today

Agriya Analitika has since established a partnership with Affinidi to provide a trusted and seamless experience for the verification of digital health credentials. The integration of Matrix Gemini LIS with Affinidi’s QR technology allows travelers to confidently travel across borders and enable healthcare institutions to protect their brand reputation by issuing tamper-proof health credentials.

The use of Verifiable health credentials also provide the following benefits to healthcare institutions:

  1. Enable digitalization
  2. Increase patient volume for pre-departure tests as airlines are starting to direct passenger traffic to healthcare Institutions that Issue digital health credentials
  3. Issue health certificates quickly and efficiently
  4. Reduce exposure of affiliation with fraudulent tests results
  5. Contribute to the safe reopening of borders to reboot economies

To find out more about the prevention of tamper-evident health certificates or the issuing of verifiable health credentials, sign up for our upcoming webinar via the sign-up form below.

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“Tamper-Proof your Covid Results Today”


  • Web Platform

  • Tuesday, 20 April 2021

  • 10.00 – 11.00 WIB

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